Quebec History Marianopolis College

Date Published:
June 2005

L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia


Katherine DeSola


DeSOLA, Mrs. Katherine. - Born London, England, March 28, 1858, daughter of Rev. Isaac Samuel, Minister of Religion. Educated: London , Eng. First Treasurer, National Council of Women, having read the first paper before Lady Aberdeen, at that time wife of the Governor General of Canada ; on first Committee of Victorian Order of Nurses. Married Rev. Meldoca deSola, Aug. 3, 1889 ; has one son and one daughter. Club: Women's Canadian Club. Societies: Antiquarian Society; Council of Jewish Women (Founder and First President). Recreation: Music. Jewish. Residence: 35 MacGregor Street , Montreal .


Source: Prominent People of the Province of Quebec, 1923-24, Montreal, Biographical Society of Canada, Limited, undated and unpaginated.

© 2005 Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College