Quebec History Marianopolis College

Date Published:
September 2004

L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia


Select Bibliography of Studies on the History of Quebec

and Canadian Indians


Bibliographie d'études sur l'histoire des autochtones (Indiens) du Québec et du Canada



Claude Bélanger,

Department of History,

Marianopolis College.



Studies on the web/Études en ligne :


Aboriginal Canada Portal


Aboriginal Links: Canada and the United States


Canada's First Nations "This multimedia tutorial focuses on the histories of Canada's First Nations peoples from ancient times to the nineteenth century. This module provides examples of creation myths and it examines scientific theories of when and how people migrated to the North American continent. This tutorial profiles the lifeways of Canada's First Nations peoples, outlining the cultures and languages of the Native groups inhabiting the northern lands of this continent. It also examines the economic, political, and social impact of European contact. Finally, this module looks at the reasons the First Nations and the Government of Canada negotiated and signed treaties, the terms of these treaties, and how all parties reacted to them." The site is from the University of calgary and Red Deer College.

Historic Treaty Information Site (Among other information, the text of the various treaties and a Guide for each of them is offered.


At the Catholic Encyclopedia website:




American Indians

Blackfoot Indians

Blood Indians

Catholic Indian Missions of Canada


Dene Indians

Huron Indians



Montagnais Indians

Seneca Indians


Native people at the Canadian Encyclopedia site:


Native people: material culture (50 entries)

Native people: General (114 entries)

Native tribes (144 entries)

Aboriginal treaties (100 entries)

Indian History (200 entries)



Other web sites:

Les autochtones du Québec (also available in English )

Bibliography on the Beothuk Indians


Carte des communautés autochtones du Québec


Constitutional Framework of Canadian Natives


Encyclopedia of North American Indians (over 425 entries)


Historical Maps of Native People in Canada


History of the Native People of Canada by J. V. Wright


Native People of Canada at


Native Residential Schools in Canada: A Selective Bibliography


Running Deer's Longhouse


Teaching First Nations History as Canadians by Graham Reynolds


Wikipedia Encyclopedia:


Native American

First Nations of Canada


Other Resources/Autres ressources:



ABLER, Thomas S. and Sally M. WEAVER, A Canadian Indian Bibliography, 1960-1970, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1974, 725p.

ANDREWS, Isabell, "Indian Protest Against Starvation: The Yellow Calf Incident of 1884", Saskatchewan History , Vol. 28 (1975): 4-52.

AXTELL, James, "The European Failure to Convert the Indians: An Autopsy", in W. COWAN, Papers of the Sixth Algonquian Conference, 1974 , Ottawa , 1975, pp. 274-290.


BAILY, A. G., The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700: A Study in Canadian Civilization, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1969.

BINGAMAN, Sandra Estlin, "The Trials of Poundmaker and Big Bear", Saskatchewan History, Vol. 28, No 3 (Autumn 1975): 81-95.

BOCK, Philip K., "Micmac", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of NorthAmerican Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 109-122.

BOUDREAU, Diane, Histoire de la littérature amérindienne au Québec, Montréal, Éditions de l'Hexagone, 1993, 205p.

BRASSER, T. J., "Early Indian-European Contacts", in Bruce G. TRIGGER,Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 78-88.

BROWN, George et Ron MAGUIRE, Historique des traités avec les Indiens, Direction de la recherché, Ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord, Ottawa, 1979, 47p.


BRUN, Henri, "Les droits des Indiens sur le territoire du Québec", dans Henri BRUN, ed., Le territoire du Québec, six études juridiques, Québec, les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1974, 33-95.


BUMSTED, J. M., "Louis Riel and His Papers", The Beaver, Vol. 67, No 4 (July 1987): 47-54.


CARPENTER, Edmund S., "Alcohol in the Iroquois Dream Quest", American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. CXVI, No. 2 (August 1959): 148-151.


CARTER, Sarah, Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Canada to 1900 , Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1999, 152p.


CARTER, Sarah, "Agriculture and Agitation On the Oak River Reserve, 1875-1895", Manitoba History, Vol. 6 (Fall 1983): 2-9.


CHAPDELEINE, Claude, ed., "Images de la Préhistoire du Québec", Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, Vol. VII, Nos. 1-2 (1978): 3-141.


CHAPDELEINE, Claude, ed., "Les Iroquoiens", Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, Vol. X, No 3 (1980): 138-201.


CHAPDELEINE, Claude, "L'ascendance culturelle des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent", Recherches amériendiennes au Québec, Vol. 10 (1980): 145-152.


CLERMONT, Norman, "Qui étaient les Attimatèques?", Anthropologica, Vol. XVI, No 1 (1974): 59-74.

DANIEL, Richard, "The Spirit and Terms of Treaty Eight", in Richard PRICE, ed., The Spirit of the Alberta Indian Treaties, Montreal 1980, pp. 47-100.

DAY, Gordon M. and Bruce G. TRIGGER, "Algonquin", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 792-797.

DELAGE, Denys, Bitter Feast. Amerindians and Europeans in Northeastern North America, 1600-64, Vancouver, UBC Press, 1995, 399p.

DEMPSEY, Hugh, "One Hundred Years of Treaty Seven", in Ian A. L. GETTY and Donald B. SMITH, eds, One Century Later: Western Canadian Reserve Indians since Treaty 7, Vancouver, 1978.


DESPLAND, Michel, "The Indians of the Saint Lawrence Valley and their Religion: An Essay on Four Centuries of Scholarship in French", Studies in Religion, Vol. 32, No 4 (2003): 461-484.

DESROSIERS, Léo-Paul, Iroquoisie , 3 vol., originally published in 1947.


DICKASON, O. P., "Europeans and Amerincians: Some Comparative Aspects of Early Contact", Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers , 1979, pp. 182-202.

DICKENSON, John A. "The Pre-Contact Huron Population: A Reappraisal", Ontario History, Vol. 72, No 3 (September 1980): 173-179.


DICKENSON, John, "Native Sovereignty and French Justice in Early Canada", in Crime and Criminal Justice, Jim PHILLIPS, Tina LOO and Susan LEWTHWAITE, eds., University of Toronto Press, 1994, pp. 17-40.

DICKENSON, John A. "Annaotaha et Dollard vus de l'autre côté de la palisade", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol. 35, No. 2 (septembre 1981): 163-178.


DICKENSON, John A. "La guerre iroquoise et la mortalité en Nouvelle-France, 1608-1666", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol. 36, No. 1 (juin 1982): 31-54.

DUFF, Wilson, "The Fort Victoria Treaties", B. C. Studies, No 3 (Fall 1969): 3-57.


DUFOUR, Jules, "Les revendications territoriales des peoples autochtones du Québec", Cahiers de Géographie du Québec, Vol. 37, No 101 (septembre 1993): 263-290.

DUPUIS, René, La question indienne au Canada, Édition Boréal Express, 1991, 124p.

ENS, G., "Dispossession or Adaption? Migration and Persistence of the Red River Métis, 1835-1890." Canadian Historical Association , Historical Papers, 1988, pp. 120-144.

FEEST, Johanna E. and Christian F. FEEST, "Ottawa" in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp.

FENTON, William N., "Northern Iroquoian Culture Patterns", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 296-321.

FENTON, William N. and Elisabeth TOOKER, "Mohawk", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast,Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 466-480.

FLANAGAN, Thomas, "The Agricultural Argument and Original Appropriation: Indian Lands and Political Philosophy", Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. XXII, No 3 (September 1989): 589-602. See the Reply by Nicholas GRIFFIN, pp. 603-606.

FLANAGAN, Thomas, "The Market for Métis Lands in Manitoba: An Exploratory Study," Prairie Forum, Vol. 16, No 1 (1991): 1-20.

FLANAGAN, Thomas, "The North-West Rebellion and Métis Land Claims." In As Long as the Sun Shines: A Reader in Canadian Native Studies , edited by I. GETTY, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.

FOSTER, John E., "The Saulteaux and the Numbered Treaties: An Aboriginal Rights Position", in Richard PRICE, ed., The Spirit of the Alberta Indian Treaties, Montreal, 1980, pp.

FRASER, W. B., "Big Bear, Indian Patriot", Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 14 (1966): 1-13.

FRIESEN, Gerald, "Prairie Indians, 1840-1900: The End of Autonomy", in The Canadian Prairies: A History, Toronto, University of Toronto Press,1987, 534p., pp. 129-162.

FUMOLEAU, René, As Long as This Land Shall Last, A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939, Toronto McClelland and Stewart, 415p.

GETTY, Ian A. L. and Antoine S. LUSSIER, eds., As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flow. A Reader in Canadian Native Studies, Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2 nd edition, 1985, 363p.


GIRAUD, Marcel , Le Métis canadien. Son rôle dans l'histoire des provinces de l'Ouest , Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut d'ethnologie, No XLIV, Université de Paris, 1945, 1295p. This has also been issued in English thanks to a translation by George WOODCOCK; the translation was published in 1985 by the University of Alberta Press.

GIRAUD, M., "Métis Settlement in the Northwest Territories." Saskatchewan History, Vol. 7 (Winter 1954): 1-16.

GIRAUD, M., "The Western Métis After the Insurrection." Saskatchewan History, Vol. 9 (Winter 1956): 1-15.

GRANT, John Webster, Moon Of Wintertime. Missionaries and the Indians of Canada in Encounter since 1534, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 315p.


HALL, D.J., "The Half-Breed Claims Commission." Alberta History, Vol. 25 (Spring 1977): 1-8.

HALL, D. J., "Clifford Sifton and Canadian Indian Administration, 1896-1905", Prairie Forum, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1977): 127-151.

HALLOWELL, A. Irving, "Some Psychological Characteristics of the Northeastern Indians", in Man in Northeastern America, Cambridge, 1947, Vol. III, pp. 195-225.

HEINDENREICH, Conrad E., Huronia: A History and Geography of the Huron Indians, 1600-1650 , Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1971.

HEIDENREICH, Conrad E., "Huron", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 368-388.

HLADY, Walter M., "Indian Migrations in Manitoba and the West", Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Papers, Series III, No 17 (1960-61):

HODGE, Frederick Webb, Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, 2vol., Totowa, Rowan and Littlefield, 1975, Vol. 1: 972p.; Vol. 2: 1221p. This is a reprint of the work done by the Bureau of American Ethnology in 1907.

HUDON, Marc, "La crise d'Oka: rumeurs, medias et icône. Réflexion critique sur les dangers de l'image", Cahiers de Géographie du Québec, Vol. 38, No 103 (avril 1994): 21-38.


HUEL, Raymond J. A., Proclaiming the Gospel to the Indians and the Métis, Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 1996, 387p.


HUNT, George T., The Wars of the Iroquois: A Study of Intertribal Relations, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1960.


JAENEN, Cornelius J., "The Meeting of the French and Amerindians in the Seventeenth Century", Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa, Vol. 43, No 1 (Janvier-Mars 1973): 128-144.

JAENEN, Cornelius J., "Problems of Assimilation in New France, 1603-1645", French Historical Studies, Vol. IV, No 3 (Spring 1966): 265-289.


JAENEN, Cornelius J., "Amerindian Views of French Culture in the Seventeenth Century", Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 55, No 3 (September 1974): 261-291.

JAENEN, Cornelius J., "The Frenchification and Evangelization of the Amerindians in Seventeenth Century New France", Study Sessions, Canadian Catholic Historical Association, 1968, 57-71.


JAENEN, Cornelius J., "The Indian Problem in the 17 th Century", in J. M. BUMSTED, ed., Documentary Problems in Canadian History, Georgetown, 1969, Vol. I, pp. 1-24.

JAENEN, Cornelius J., Friend and Foe: Aspects of French-Amerindian Cultural Contact in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1976.


JENNESS, Diamond, Indians of Canada , Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1977.


KNOWLES, Nathaniel, "The Torture of Captives by the Indians of Eastern North America", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 82, No 2 (March, 1940): 151-225.


LAROCQUE, Robert, "L'Introduction de maladies européennes chez les autochtones des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles", Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, Vol. 12, No 1 (1982) 13-24.


LEACOCK, Eleanor Burke and Nancy Oestreich LURIE, North American Indians in Historical Perspective, New York, Random House1971, 498p.

LEWIS, Oscar, The Effects of White Contact Upon Blackfoot Culture With Special Reference to the Role of the Fur Trade, Monographs of the American Ethnological Society, A. Irving HOLLOWELL, ed., Seatle, 1942, pp. 46-59.


LONG, Anthony and Menno Boldt, eds., Governments in Conflict? Provinces and Indian Nations in Canada, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1988, 296p.


McNAB, David T., "Hearty Co-operation and Efficient Aid: The Metis and Treaty #3," Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Vol. 3, No 1 (1983):

MAILHOT, P.R. and SPRAGUE, D.N., "Persistent Settlers: The Dispersal and Resettlement of the Red River Métis, 1870-1885."   Canadian Ethnic Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2 (1985): 1-31.

MacINNES, T. R. L., "History of Indian Administration in Canada", Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science , Vol. 12 (1946):

McLEAN, Donald G., "1885: Métis Rebellion or Government Conspiracy?" In: 885 and After: Native Society in Transition , edited by F.L. BARRON and James B. WALDRAM, Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1986, pp. 79-104.

McNICKLE, D'Arcy, "Indian and European: Indian-White Relations from Discovery to 1887", The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , Vol. 311, 1957.

MILLER, J. R., Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens. A History of Indian-White elations in Canada , Third edition, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2000, 481p.

MILLER, J. R., Canada and the Aboriginal Peoples, 1867-1927, Canadian Historical Association, Historical Booklet, No 57, 22p.


OWRAM, D., "Conspiracy and Treason: The Red River Resistance from an Expansionist Perspective." Prairie Forum, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1978): 157-174.

PATTERSON, E. Palmer, The Canadian Indian: A History Since 1500, Collier Macmillan, 1972, 210p.

PENDERGAST, James F., "The Confusing Identities Attributed to Stadacona and Hochelaga", Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 32, No 4 (Winter 1998): 149-167.


POULIOT, Léon, "État mystique chez les convertis Indiens dans la Nouvelle-France", Rapport de la Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique, (1939-1940): 99-106.

QUÉBEC, Ministère de l'éducation , Pour parler des Amérindiens et des Inuit, Guide à l'usage des professeurs du secondaire. Histoire et géographie, 1982, 94p.

QUIMBY, George Irving, Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes 11,000 B.C. to A.D. 1800, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1960, 182p.

RABY, Stuart, "Indian Land Surrenders in Southern Saskatchewan", Canadian Geographer, Vol. 17 (1973): 36-52.

REYNOLDS, Barrie, "Beothuk", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 101-108.


RICHARDSON, Boyce, "Kind Hearts or Forked Tongue?", The Beaver, Vol 67, No 1 (February-March 1987): 16-41.


ROWE, F. W., Extinction: The Beothuks of Newfoundland, Toronto, McGraw-Hill, 1977.


SANDERS, D., "Prior Claims: Aboriginal People in the Constitution of Canada." In: Canada and the Constitution: The Unfinished Agenda, edited by

S. R. PECK, Montreal: Institute for Research in Public Policy, 1983.

SAUM, Lewis O., The Fur Trader and the Indian, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1965, 324p.


SAVARD, Rémi, Destins d'Amérique, les autochtones et nous, Montréal, l'Hexagone, 1979, 186p.


SCOTT, Duncan Campbell, "Indian Affairs, 1840-1867", in Adam SHORT and A. G. Doughty, ed., Canada and Its Provinces, Vol. V, Toronto, 1913.


SHKILNYK, Anastasia M., A Poison Stronger Than Love. The Destruction of an Ojibwa Community, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1985, 275p.


SMITH, Donald B., Le "Sauvage" d'après les historiens canadiens français des XIXe et XXe siècles, Cahiers du Québec, Hurtubise HMH, Montréal, 1979.

SMITH, Donald B., "Aboriginal Rights A Century Ago", The Beaver, Vol. 67 (February-March 1987): 4-15.


STANLEY, George F., "The Policy of 'Francisation" as applied to the Indians during the Ancien Régime", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol. III, No 3 (décembre 1950): 333-348.

STANLEY, George F., "The Indians and the Brandy Trade During the Ancien Régime", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol. 6, No 4 (mars 1953): 489-505.


STANLEY, G. F. G., "The First Indian 'Reserves' in Canada", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol. 4, No 2 (Septembre 1950): 178-210.


STANLEY, G. F. G., "The Indians in the War of 1812", Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 31, No 2 (June 1950):


STANLEY, G. F. G., "The Indian Background of Canadian History", Canadian Historical Asssociation Report, 1952, pp.

SPRAGUE, D.N., "The Manitoba Land Question, 1870-1882, " Journal of Canadian Studies , Vol. 15, No 3 (1980): 74-84.

SPRAGUE, D.N., "Government Lawlessness in the Administration of Manitoba Land Claims, 1870-1887", Manitoba Law Journal , Vol . 10 (1980): 415-441.

SPRAGUE, D.N., Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885 , Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1988.

SPRAGUE, D.N., "Dispossession vs. Accommodation in Plaintiff vs. Defendant Accounts of Métis Dispersal from Manitoba, 1870-1881." Prairie Forum , Vol. 16 No. 2 (1991): 137-156.

TAYLOR, John, "Canada's Northwest Indian Policy in the 1870's: Traditional Premises and Necessary Innovations", in The Spirit of Alberta's Indian Treaties , Montreal, 1980, pp. 3-7.


TAYLOR, John, "Two Views on the Meaning of Treaties Six and Seven", in The Spirit of Alberta's Indian Treaties , Montreal, 1980, pp. 9-45.

TOBIAS, Jason, "Canada's Subjugation of the Plains Cree, 1879-1885", Canadian Historical Review , Vol. 64, No. 4 (December 1983): 519-548.

TOOKER, E., An Ethnography of the Huron Indians, 1615-1649 , Washington, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin No. 190, 1964.

TOOKER, Elizabeth, "The Iroquois Defeat of the Hurons: A Review of the Causes", Pensylvania Archaeologist, Vol. XXXIII, Nos. 1-2(1963): 11-123.

TOOKER, Elizabeth, "The League of the Iroquois: Its History, Politics and Ritual", in Bruce TRIGGER, ed., Handbook of North American Indians , Vol. 15. Northeast , Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, pp. 418-441.

TOOKER, Elisabeth, "Wyandot", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 398-406.

TOOKER, Elisabeth, "Iroquois Since 1820", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 449-465.

TRIGGER, Bruce, The Indians and the Heroic Age of New France , Canadian Historical Association, Booklet No. 30, 1978, 24p.


TRIGGER, Bruce, The Huron. Farmers of the North , Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969, 130p.


TRIGGER, Bruce, The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1660 , 2 vols, Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1987.


TRIGGER, Bruce, Natives and Newcomers, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1985. Aussi publié en français sous le titre Les Indiens, la fourrure et les Blancs , Boréal/Seuil, 1992, 543p.

TRIGGER, Bruce, ed., Northeast. Vol 15 of Handbook of North American Indians , Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "Hochelaga: History and Ethnohistory", in James F. PENDERGAST and Bruce G. TRIGGER, eds., Cartier's Hochelaga and the Dawson Site, Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1972, pp. 1-107.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "Champlain Judged by his Indian Policy: A Different View of Early Canadian History", Anthropologica, Vol. 13, Nos 1-2 (1971): 85-114.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "The Historic Location of the Hurons", Ontario History, Vol. 54, No 2 (1962): 137-148.


TRIGGER, Bruce G. "The Historians' Indian: Native Americans in Canadian Historical Writing from Charlevoix to the Present", Canadian Historical Review, LXVII, No 3 (1985): 315-342.

TRIGGER, Bruce, "Pour une histoire plus objective des relations entre colonisateurs et autochtones en Nouvelle-France", Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, Vol. XI, No 3 (1981): 199-204.


TRIGGER, Bruce, "The French Presence in Huronia: The Structure of Franco-Huron Relations in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century", Canadian Historical Review, Vol. XLIX, No 2 (June 1968): 107-141.

TRIGGER, Bruce, "Order and Freedom in Huron Society" Anthropologica, Vol. V, No. 2 (1963): 151-170.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "The Destruction of Huronia: A Study in Economic and Cultural Change, 1609-1650", Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute, Vol. 33, No. 1 (1960): 14-45.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "Trade and Tribal Warfare on the Saint Lawrence in the Sixteenth Century", Ethnohistory, Vol. 9, No 3 (1962): 240-256.


TRIGGER, Bruce, "The Historic Location of the Hurons", Ontario History, Vol. 54 (1962): 137-148.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "The Mohawk-Mahican War (1624-1628): the Establishment of a Pattern", Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 52, No 3 (1971): 276-286.


TRIGGER, Bruce, "Archaeological and Other Evidence: A Fresh Look at the 'Laurentian Iroquois'", American Antiquity, Vol. 33 (1968): 429-440.

TRIGGER, Bruce, "Response of Native Peoples to Euiropean Contact", in G. M. STORY, ed., Early European Settlement and Exploitation in Atlantic Canada, St. John's, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1982, pp. 139-155.

TRIGGER, Bruce G., "Early Iroquoian Contacts with Europeans", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 334-356.

TRIGGER, Bruce G. and James F. PENDERGAST, "Saint Lawrence Iroquoians", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 357-361.


TRUDEL, François, "Les relations entre les Français et les Inuit au Labrador méridional, 1660-1760", Études Inuit Studies , Vol. IV, Nos. 1-2 (1980) 135-145.

TRUDEL, Pierre, "De la négation de l'autre dans les discours nationalists des Québécois et des autochtones", Recherches amérindiennes au Québec , Vol. XXV, No 4 (1995): 53-66.

TUCK, James A., "Northern Iroquoian Prehistory", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 322-333.


ROUSSEAU, Jacques, Les premiers Canadiens , Montréal, Éditions des Dix, 1960, 64p.


VACHON, André, "L'eau-de-vie dans la société indienne", Canadian Historical Association Annual Report , 1960, pp. 22-32.


VINCENT, Sylvie et Bernard ARCAND, L'Image de l'Amérindien dans les manuels scolaires du Québec, Cahiers du Québec, Hurtubise HMH, 1979, 334p.

WALKER, J. W. St. G., "The Indian in Canadian Historical Writing, 1972-1982", in As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows: A Reader in Canadian Native Studies, I. A. L. GETTY and A. S. LUSSIER, eds, Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1983, pp. 340-357.


WALKER, J. W. St. G., "The Indian in Canadian Historical Writing", Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers , 1971, pp. 21-47.

WALLACE, Anthony F., "The Institutionalization of Cathartic and Control Strategies in Iroquois Religious Psychoterapy", in Marvin F. OPLER, ed., Culture and Mental Health: Cross-Cultural Studies, New York, 1938, pp. 63-96.


WALLACE, Anthony F., "Dreams and Wishes of the Soul: A Type of Psychoanalytic Theory among the Seventeenth Century Iroquois", American Anthropologist, Vol. 60 (1958): 234-248.

WALLACE, Anthony F., "Origins of the Longhouse Religion", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 442-448.

WASHBURN, Wilcomb E., "The Moral and Legal Justifications for Dispossessing the Indians", in James MORTON, ed., Seventeenth-Century America: Essays in Colonial History , Westport, Greenwood Press, 1959, 15-32.

WASHBURN, Wilcomb E., "Seventeenth Century Indian Wars", in Bruce G. TRIGGER, Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15, Northeast, Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1978, 924p., pp. 89-100.


WOODWARD, Michael and Bruce GEORGE, "The Canadian Indian Lobby of Westminster, 1979-1982", Journal of Canadian Studies , Vol. 18, No 3 (Fall 1983): 119-143.

WRIGHT, J. V. and D. WRIGHT , A History of the Native People of Canada: Volume II (1000 BC-AD 500) , Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1998, 672p.

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© 2004 Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College