Quebec HistoryMarianopolis College
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Documents in Quebec History


Last revised:
23 August 2000

French Canadians and Jews

An Act to Grant Equal Rights and Privileges to Persons of the Jewish Religion (1832)

Juifs et écoles séparées; les Juifs réclament plus de français [1912]

Documents on the Nôtre-Dame Hospital Internes’ Strike (1934)

R. P. Ceslas FOREST, La question juive au Canada, Montréal, L'oeuvre de presse dominicaine, 1935, 52p.

Correspondence Regarding the Admission of Jews to the Université de Montreal (1941)

A Typical XIXth Century View of Jews? "The Jewish Question". Editorial by A.-D. Decelles in L’Opinion Publique Thursday, December 1, 1881, p. 563


Studies on Anti-Semitism and Quebec

Claude BÉLANGER, Why did Canada Refuse to Admit Jewish Refugees in the 1930's?

Xavier GÉLINAS, Notes on Anti-Semitism among Quebec Nationalists, 1920-1970: Methological Failings, Distorted Conclusions, 1998

Ross GORDON, The Historiographical Debate on the Charges of Anti-Semitism Made Against Lionel Groulx, M.A. thesis (History), University of Ottawa, 1996, 141p.