1 R.
H. Coats and M. C. Maclean, The American-Born in Canada :
A Statistical Interpretation (New Haven and Toronto, Yale
University Press and The Ryerson Press, 1943), 55-66; Leon E.
Truesdell, The Canadian Born in the United States (New
Haven and Toronto, Yale University Press and The Ryerson Press,
1943), 57, 73.
Micheal Perman, ed., The Coming of the American Civil War
(Lexington, D.C. Heath and Co., 3rd ed., 1993), xviii.
Dinnerstein et al., Natives and Strangers: A Multicultural
History of Americans (New York, Oxford University Press, 1996),
Ella Lonn, Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy (Baton
Rouge, Louisiana University Press, 1951), 572; James M. McPherson,
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era (New York, Ballatine
Books, 1989), 606-610.
One / Franco-American Enlistments: Facts and Figures
Armand Chartier, The Franco-Americans of New England:
A History (Manchester and Worcester, ACA Assurance and Institut
français of Assumption College, 1999), 13; Robert Rumilly,
Histoire des Franco-Américains (Montreal, self-published,
1958), 37-38; Yves Roby, Les Franco-Américains de la
Nouvelle-Angleterre (Sillery, Septentrion, 1990), 58; Robin
W. Winks, "The Creation of a Myth: ‘Canadian’ Enlistments
in the Northern Armies During the Civil War," Canadian
Historical Review, XXXIX, 1 (1958), 36; Marcus Lee Hansen
and John Bartlet Brebner, The Mingling of the Canadian and
American Peoples, Volume I: Historical (New Haven and Toronto,
Yale University Press and The Ryerson Press, 1940), 146.
Hercule Beaudry, "Discours de M. l’abbé Beaudry, curé
de St. Constant, à l’occasion d’un Libera chanté
pour le repos des associés de l’Union des prières,
morts dans les États-Unis," L’Écho du Cabinet
de lecture paroissial, 7, 4 (1865), 54-58; Winks, "The
Creation of a Myth […]," loc. cit., 32-34.
Ignace Bourget, Fioretti vescovili […] (Montreal, Le Franc-Parleur,
1872), 141.
Winks, "The Creation of a Myth […]," loc. cit., 32-34.
Yolande Lavoie, L’émigration des Québécois
aux États-Unis de 1840 à 1930 (Quebec City,
Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1979), 45; Truesdell,
op. cit., 10, 16, 19, 27.
Until well into the twentieth-century, Franco-Americans and French
Canadians considered themselves to be members of the same nation
or race.
Winks, "The Creation of a Myth […]," loc. cit.,
Ella Lonn, op. cit., 311; Provost, loc. cit., 143-155;
Marie-Louise Bonier, Débuts de la colonie franco-américaine
de Woonsocket, Rhode Island (Framingham, Lakeview Press, 1920),
79, 85, 93, 99; Ulysse Forget, "Onomastique franco-américaine.
Étude sur la transformation des noms franco-américains,"
in Maurice Poteet, ed., Textes de l’exode. Recueil de textes
sur l’émigration des Québécois aux États-Unis
(XIXe et XXe siècles) (Montreal,
Guérin, 1987 [1949]), 323-337.
Greg Marquis, In Armageddon’s Shadow: The Civil War and Canada’s
Maritime Provinces (Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 1998), 109, 294; Robin Winks, Canada and
the United States: The Civil War Years (Montreal and Kingston,
McGill-Queen’s University Press, 4th ed., 1998), 204;
Thomas Albert, Histoire du Madawaska (Quebec City,
Imp. Franciscaine missionnaire, 1920), 254-255. On October 19th
1864, a group of Confederate agents based in Canada launched a
daring raid on the border town of St. Albans, Vermont. After looting
several banks, the raiders fled back across the border where they
were arrested by the Canadian authorities but later released on
a legal technicality. The St. Albans Raid significantly raised
the degree of tension between the United States and the Province
of Canada.
Two / Factors Motivating Franco-American Enlistments
Lonn, op. cit., 66; Hansen and Brebner, op. cit.,
141; Yvan Lamonde, Ni avec eux ni sans eux : le Québec
et les État-Unis (Montreal, Nuit Blanche Éditeur,
1996), 39; Winks, Canada and the United States: The Civil War
Years, op. cit., 187; H.C. Saint-Pierre, Oration Pronounced
at the Mount Royal Cemetery by H.C. Saint-Pierre […] on
Decoration Day, May 30th 1899 (Montreal, C.A. Marchand,
[1899]), 4; Saint-Pierre, Oration Pronounced by H.C. Saint-Pierre
[…] on Memorial Day, May 30th 1900 at Richford,
Vermont, before the Veterans of the G.A.R. (Montreal, C.A.
Marchand, [1900]), 8. The French Canadian edition of H. B. Stowe’s
novel incorrectly lists Henriette Beecher Stowe as its
A. I. Silver, The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900
(Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2nd ed.,
1997), 224; Lamonde, op. cit, 38-39; Beaudry, loc. cit.,
p. 55.
In November 1861, Captain Charles Wilkes of the U.S.S. San
Jacinto stopped the British steamer Trent on the high
seas and seized two Confederate commissioners who were en route
to England. The seizure, illegal under international law, was
vigorously denounced in Great Britain and retaliation was threatened.
Although British war fever subsided a few months after the incident,
the Trent Affair almost brought Great Britain and the United States
to war.
Winks, Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years, op.
cit., 80, 97-98; Gerald M. Craig, The United States and
Canada (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1968), 139-140,
146; Hugh L. Keenleyside, Canada and the United States: Some
Aspects of Their Historical Relations (New York, Knopf, 2nd
ed., 1952), 111, 113, 120, 126.
S. F. Wise and R. C. Brown, Canada Views the United States:
Nineteenth-Century Attitudes (Toronto, Macmillan, 1967), 82.
"Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Agriculture and
Statistics", Sessional Papers of the Province of Canada,
no 6, 28 Victoria (A 1865), 23. Chapais had been temporarily charged
with the superintendence of colonization in Quebec during the
coalition government of 1864-1867.
Rémi Tremblay, Un Revenant. Épisode de la Guerre
de Sécession (New Bedford, National Materials Development
Center for French, 1980 [1884]), 45.
André Beaudoin, "Charles Bilodeau défend la
cause d’Abraham Lincoln," Bulletin de la Société
historique de Bellechasse, IV, 4 (1992), 11-12.
Bell Irvin Wiley, The Life of Billy Yank: The Common Soldier
of the Union (New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 1952), 66, 69.
Quoted in Lois E. Darroch, "A Note: Canadians in the American
Civil War," Ontario History, LXXXIII, 1 (1991), 58.
Quoted in Wiley, op. cit., 36-37.
Rémi Tremblay, Pierre qui roule (Montreal, Beauchemin,
1923), 83.
Lonn, op. cit., 331, 377; Wiley, op. cit., 157;
Gerard J. Brault, The French-Canadian Heritage in New England
(Hanover and Montreal, University Press of New England and McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 1986), 82; Rumilly, op. cit., 36-38.
Lonn, op. cit., 126-129, 357. In the 1850s, Régis
de Trobriand had been the editor of the prestigious and widely
distributed Courrier des États-Unis of New York
City. As such, he was well known in the intellectual circles of
French Canada.
Winks, Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years, op.
cit., 189; Rumilly, op. cit., 36-37; Rosaire Dion-Lévesque,
Silhouettes franco-américaines (Manchester, Publications
de l’Association canado-américaine, 1957), 603-607; Goulet,
op. cit., 20-23; Lonn, op. cit., 176, 236.
McPherson, op. cit., 600-606.
"Report of the Minister of Agriculture and Statistics for
the year 1863," Sessional Papers of the Province of Canada,
no 32, 27 Victoria (A 1864).
Lonn, op. cit., 162-163; Hansen and Brebner, op. cit.,
142-144. The secret police force was also established to counter
Fenian insurgency and the activities of Confederate agents operating
on Canadian soil.
Quoted in Roby, op. cit., 49.
Winks, "The Creation of a Myth […]," loc. cit., 38.
Hansen and Brebner, op. cit., 148-149.
Winks, Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years, op.
cit., 197; William F. Raney, "Recruiting and Crimping
in Canada for the Northern Forces, 1861-1865," Mississippi
Valley Historical Review, X, 1 (1923), 29; Brault, op.
cit, 53-54.
Winks, Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years, op.
cit., 185; Provost, loc. cit., 149.
Lonn, op. cit., 560.
Three / The Growth of French America During the Civil War
Gary B. Nash et al., The American People: Creating a Nation
and a Society (New York, Harper Collins, brief 2nd
ed., 1996), 340; Dinnerstein, op. cit., 96.
Hansen and Brebner, op. cit., 152; Jean Lamarre, Les
Canadiens français du Michigan. Leur contribution dans
le développement de la vallée de la Saginaw et de
la péninsule de Keweenaw, 1840-1914 (Sillery, Septentrion,
2000), 34-36.
Tremblay, Pierre qui roule, op. cit., 77.
Ibid., 39, 54, 73, 137-138; Rumilly, op. cit., p.
François Weil, Les Franco-Américains, 1860-1980
(Paris, Belin, 1989), 42.
Based on figures quoted in Roby, op. cit., 47.
John Higham, Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism,
1860-1925 (New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1955),
Ibid.; McPherson, op. cit., 32-33.
Wise and Brown, op. cit., 84-85.
Bruce Hutchison, The Struggle for the Border (Toronto,
Longmans, Green and Co., 1955), 3.
Winks, Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years, op.
cit., 379; Keenleyside, op. cit., 114. In French, the
"Dominion of Canada" was translated into the more grandiose
Puissance du Canada (Power of Canada).
Winks, "The Creation of a Myth […]," loc. cit., 34.