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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
Casimir Dessaulles
DESSAULLES, Casimir, B.A., LL.L., K.C., - of Dessaulles, Garneau, Désy & Saint-Jacques, Advocates, 86 Notre-Dame St. W., Montreal. Born St. Hyacinthe , Que., March 23, 1875 , son of Hon. Senator George Casimir and Fanny (Leman) Dessaulles. Educated: St. Hyacinthe Seminary; St. Charles College, Baltimore, Md. ; Laval, Montreal (B.A., 1893; LL.L., 1896). Read law with Hon. F. L. Béique, K.C.; called to the Quebec Bar, July, 1896; created K.C., April, 1912; member, firm Béique, Lafontaine, Turgeon & Robertson, afterwards Béique, Turgeon, Robertson and Dessaulles, until 1913; afterwards with C. A. Barnard, K.C., practised under firm name of Barnard and Dessaulles, until 1908; practised alone until 1910, afterwards with Léon Garneau, K.C.; since 1904 has been counsel for the Russian Consulate-General for Canada, having been officially appointed as such in 1915 by the Russian Government; is Counsel for the Consul-General of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and for the Consul-General of the Republic of Poland; associated with James W. Domville in the organization of the development of the water power of Cedars Rapids on the St. Lawrence River, 27 miles above Montreal; jointly with him secured the charter, property, Government privileges and organized the Cedars Rapids Manufacturing and Power Co.; was its counsel, 1904-11; this water power has a capacity of 200,000 h.p. and produces 100,000 h.p. since January, 1915. One of the founders of junior Bar Association of Montreal, and its sixth President. Married Adrienne Pinsoneault, daughter of Adolphe Pinsoneault, C.E., Montreal, June 18, 1907 ; has one son and one daughter. Clubs: University; Montreal Reform; Lake Placid (ICY.); Beaconsfield Golf. Recreation: Golf. Liberal. Roman Catholic. Residence: 770 Cote St. Antoine Road, Montreal.
Source: Prominent People of the Province of Quebec, 1923-24, Montreal, Biographical Society of Canada, Limited, undated and unpaginated. Correct French spelling and accents have been restored. |
© 2005
Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |