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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
CHOQUETTE, Hon. Philippe Auguste, LL.D., K.C. - Judge of the Sessions of the Peace since Jan. 1, 1915, Quebec , Que. Born Beloeil, Que., Jan. 6, 1854, son of Joseph and Marie F. (Audet) Choquette. Educated: St. Hyacinthe College; Laval University (LL.B., and Governor-General's Medal, 1880; LL.D., 1900). Engaged in Boot and Shoe business as Commercial Traveller for three years; took up study of law; called to Quebec Bar, 1880; Assistant Private Secretary to the late Hon. Honoré Mercier; founded La Sentinelle, of Montmagny, 1883, now called Courrier de Montmagny; founded the journal Le Soir, Montreal, 1896; appointed judge of the Superior Court for the Prov. of Quebec, July, 1898; resigned, 1904; Editor, Le Soleil, French Liberal Organ for Quebec, 1905-1906; unsuccessful candidate to House of Commons for Montmagny, 1882; elected, 1887; re-elected, 1891 and 1896; campaigning with the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the Lower Provinces and the West as far as Victoria, B.C., 1890-1896; chief organizer of the Liberal Party in Quebec District, 1904-5; called to the Senate, Sept. 30, 1904, resigned on Dec. 31st, 1919; one of signers of address from Liberal Party to Pope resulting in appointment of Papal Ablegate to Canada, 1896; Alderman, Montmagny, 1883-1886; Governor, Laval University Funds; President, Quebec Hockey Club. Married Marie Bender, daughter of A. Bender, a granddaughter of Sir E. P. Taché, Aug. 29, 1883; has three sons and two daughters. Clubs and Societies: Quebec Hockey (President); K. of C.; St. Jean-Baptiste; C.M.B.A.; C.O.F.; Alliance Nationale; Union St. Joseph; Artisans; Chosen Friends; I.O.F. Recreations: Music, literature, sports. Liberal. Roman Catholic. Residence: 56 Conroy Street, Quebec, Que.
Source: Prominent People of the Province of Quebec, 1923-24, Montreal, Biographical Society of Canada, Limited, undated and unpaginated. Correct French spelling and accents have been restored.
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Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |