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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
His Eminence Cardinal Louis Nazaire Bégin
BÉGIN, His Eminence Cardinal Louis-Nazaire, D.D. - Archbishop of Quebec. Born Lévis, Que., Jan. 10, 1840, son of Charles and Lucy (Paradis) Bégin. Educated: Quebec Seminary; French Seminary, Rome; Gregorian Seminary, Rome (D.D., 1865); University of Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained, Rome, 1865; made special study of Theology, Ecclesiastical History and Oriental languages, Rome, 1866-67; Professor of Theology and Church History, Laval University, Quebec, 1868-84; Prefect of Studies, and Rector of the Little Seminary, Quebec, 1877-84; Principal, Laval Normal School, Quebec, 1884-88; Bishop of Chicoutimi, 1888-91; Co-adjutor to Cardinal Taschereau with title of Arch-bishop of Cyrene, 1891-98; Administrator of the Archdiocese, 1894-98; appointed Archbishop of Quebec, April 12, 1898; invested with Pallium, Jan. 22, 1899; appointed Cardinal, May 25, 1914. Has travelled extensively in Europe and the Holy Land. One of the principal speakers at unveiling of Irish Monument, Grosse Isle, 1909; presided over a tribunal constituted to try the case of Mgr. de Laval, 1st Roman Catholic Bishop of Quebec for Canonization, Oct., 1898; attended Plenary Council, Quebec, 1909; attended Eucharistic Congress, Montreal, 1910. Author, La Sainte Écriture et la Règle de la Foi, Catéchisme de Controverse, La Primauté et l'Infaillibilité des Souverains Pontifes, The Bible and the Rule of Faith, Le Culte Catholique, Chronologie de l'histoire du Canada. Societies: Fellow, Royal Society of Canad; Academy of the Arcades, Rome; International Truth Society; Governor, Catholic Church Extension Society in Canada. Recreations: Travel and Study. Roman Catholic. Residence: Archbishop's Palace, 2 Port Dauphin St., Quebec, Que.
Source: Prominent People of the Province of Quebec, 1923-24, Montreal, Biographical Society of Canada, Limited, undated and unpaginated. Correct French spelling and accents have been restored.
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Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |