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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
Joseph Herman Fortier
General Manager and Vice-President, P. T. Légaré Co. Ltd., Wholesale Manufacturers and Jobbers, Carriages, Farm Implements, Furniture, Stoves and General Lines for the Farm, 273 St. Paul St., Quebec, Que.; President, Percival Plow & Stove Co., Ltd., Merrickville, Ont. ; President, L'Événement, the only French morning daily newspaper of Quebec; President, Le Nouvelliste Publishing Co., publishing Le Nouvelliste, the only daily newspaper of Three Rivers, Que.; President, Frontenac Ice Co., Ltd., Quebec; Vice-President, La Banque Nationale, Quebec; Vice-President, Dominion Carriage Co., Ltd., Montreal; Vice-President, Légaré Automobile & Supply Co. Ltd., Montreal; Director, Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., Montreal: Director, La Caisse d'Économie de Notre-Dame de Québec, Quebec; Director, Eastern Canada Steel & Iron Works, Ltd., Quebec. 2nd Vice-President of Canadian Manufacturers Association. Born at St. Gervais, County of Bellechasse, Que., March 17, 1875, son of Joseph and Rebecca (Beaudoin) Fortier. Educated: Commercial Academy, Quebec. Began as stenographer with the firm of Latimer & Légaré, Quebec in 1893; the name of the firm was afterwards changed to its present style; never made any change; held all the positions in the organization up to the Vice-Presidency and General Managership. Married Marie Leda Bédard, daughter of Pierre Bédard, Charlesbourg, Que., May 10, 1897; has six sons and two daughters. Clubs: Garrison and Golf (Quebec); St. Denis and Reform (Montreal); Old Colony (New-York). Recreations: Spent with his family. Independent; Roman Catholic. Residence: 8 de Salaberry Ave., Québec, Que.
Source: Prominent People of the Province of Quebec, 1923-24, Montreal, Biographical Society of Canada, Limited, undated and unpaginated. Correct French spelling and accents have been restored. |
© 2007
Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |