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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
Gerald Walker Birks, O.B.E.
Treasurer, Henry Birks & Sons, Ltd.; Branches at Halifax , Montreal, Ottawa , Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver (affiliated with Ryrie Bros., Toronto). Born Montreal, Que., July 10th, 1872, son of Henry Birks and Harriet Phillips Walker. Educated: Montreal High School. Started with present Company, 1888. Appointed Treasurer, 1892. Director, Birks Buildings, Ltd., Birks Securities, Ltd., Crown Trust Co., Ltd., and Anglin-Norcross, Ltd.; President, Insurance Exchange Corporation. Went to France as General Supervisor of Y.M.C.A., Sept., 1915, with rank of Major, with Headquarters in London . Gazetted Lt.-Col., Oct. 2nd, 1917 (H.Q., C.R.O., 1312); O.B.E. Jan. 7th, 1918, (H.Q., No. 30460). Clubs: Engineers'; Royal Montreal Golf; Mount Bruno Golf; Thistle Curling; Kanawaki Golf; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht; M.A.A.A.; Automobile; United Service Club. Recreations: Yachting, golf. Independent. Presbyterian. Residence: Linton Apts., Sherbrooke St. W. Montreal
Source: Prominent People of the Province of Quebec, 1923-24 Montreal Biographical Society of Canada, Limited, undated and unpaginated. Correct French spelling and accents have been restored.
© 2004
Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |