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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
George Moore Fairchild
Fairchild, George Moore (1854-1912), author, was born at Quebec , Canada East, in 1854, the son of G. M. Fairchild. He was educated at the University of New York, and went into business in New York. He retired from business with a competency in 1880, and settled in Quebec. He married in 1880 the granddaughter of the Hon. John Neilson, and he devoted himself to literary and historical pursuits, and to the collection of a library of "Canadiana". He died at Quebec on September 18, 1912 . He was the author of Oritani snow shoe club souvenir (New York, 1888), A short account of ye Quebec winter carnival (Quebec, 1894), Rod and canoe, rifle and snowshoe in Quebec's Adirondacks (Quebec, 1896), Quebec, the sportsman's land of plenty (Quebec, 1899), A ridiculous courting, and other stories of French Canada (Chicago, 1900), and From my Quebec scrap-book (Quebec, 1907) ; and he edited Canadian leaves (New York, 1887), and The journal of an American prisoner at Fort Malden and Quebec in the Way of 1812 (Quebec, privately printed, 1909).
Source : W. Stewart WALLACE, ed., The Encyclopedia of Canada, Vol. II, Toronto, University Associates of Canada, 1948, 411p., p. 316. |
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Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |