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L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia
Biographies of the Main IndividualsConnected to the Rebellions led by Louis Riel[From the Dictionary of Canadian Biography]
[Several individuals who played an important role in the two Riel rebellions, especially in the Northwest Rebellion of 1885, are not found at the Dictionary of Canadian Biography as they died after 1920.] Return to the Index page of Indians of Canada and Quebec [It was not always possible to reproduce accurately in HTML language the name of Indian participants in the Rebellions.] ANDRÉ, ALEXIS (priest) BRUCE, JOHN (president of the provisional government of the Red River in 1869-70) BRUNEAU, FRANÇOIS-JACQUES (magistrate and councillor of Assiniboia) CARTIER, Sir GEORGE-ÉTIENNE ( Quebec political leader) CHAPLEAU, Sir JOSEPH-ADOLPHE (Member of the Macdonald government from Québec) CHASE-CASGRAIN, THOMAS (One of the Crown prosecutors in the Riel case) CORNISH, FRANCIS EVANS (opponent of Riel in 1869-70) CROZIER, LIEF (Leif) NEWRY FITZROY (headed the NWMP forces in the Northwest in 1885) DELORME, PIERRE (played an important role in the early development of Manitoba ) DEWDNEY, EDGAR (Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest in 1885) DUBUC, Sir JOSEPH (friend of Louis Riel) DUMONT, GABRIEL (military leader of the Métis in 1885) GABOURY, MARIE-ANNE (Lagemodière), (grand-mother of Luois Riel) GIRARD, MARC-AMABLE (politician, premier of Manitoba ) GOULET, ELZÉAR (member of the court martial that condemned Thomas Scott) ISBISTER, JAMES (leading English-speaking Métis) KÜPEYAKWÜSKONAM, one arrow (Cree Indians' chief who supported Riel in 1885) LACHAPELLE, EMMANUEL-PERSILLIER (treated Riel for mental disorder) LAGIMONIÈRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE (father in law of Louis Riel) LAURIER, Sir WILFRID (Defended Riel in the House of Commons) LAVELL, MICHAEL (headed the Riel "Lunacy Commission" in 1885) LÉPINE, JEAN-BAPTISTE (Métis who opposed the death penalty for Thomas Scott) LÉPINE, MAXIME (close friend of Louis Riel) MACDONALD, Sir JOHN ALEXANDER (Prime Minister of Canada during both rebellions) McDOUGALL, WILLIAM (Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West territory 1869-70) MERCIER, HONORÉ (Came to power in Quebec as a consequence of the Riel Rebellion) MIDDLETON, Sir FREDERICK DOBSON (military commander opposing Riel in 1885) MISTAHIMASKWA (Big Bear) (Plains Cree chief sentenced in 1885) M¥S¥MIN (chief of a Cree and Saulteaux band who refused to support Riel in 1885) NOLIN, CHARLES (Métis delegate) O'DONOGHUE, WILLIAM BERNARD (treasurer of Louis Riel's provisional government) OSLER, BRITTON BATH (One of the prosecuting lawyers at Riel's trial in 1885) PARISIEN, NORBERT (Métis involved in the first Riel Rebellion) P¬TIKWAHANAPIW¬YIN (Poundmaker), Plains Cree chief) RICHARDSON, HUGH (judge at the trial of Louis Riel) RIEL, Louis (Rebel leader, father of Manitoba ) RITCHOT, NOËL-JOSEPH (Catholic priest close to Riel) ROBINSON, CHRISTOPHER (senior prosecutor at the trial of Louis Riel) ROULEAU, CHARLES-BORROMÉE (stipendiary judge who sentenced eight Indians to hanging in 1885) SCHULTZ, Sir JOHN CHRISTIAN (anti-Riel agitator in 1869-70) SCOTT, THOMAS (Court martialed in the first Riel Rebellion) SMITH, DONALD ALEXANDER (Commisionner appointed by Macdonald to diffuse problems in 1869-70) STUTSMAN, ENOS (Intrigued to annex the West to the U.S.A. ) TACHÉ, ALEXANDRE-ANTONIN (Roman Catholic Archbishop in the West) THIBAULT, JEAN-BAPTISTE (Priest-Commisionner appointed by Macdonald to diffuse problems in 1869-70) WOLSELEY, GARNET JOSEPH, 1st Viscount WOLSELEY (commander of the military expidition in 1870) Return to the Index page of Indians of Canada and Quebec
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Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College |