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Last revised:
January 2006

Comparison of Income Tax Tables of Quebec

With Other Provinces



How Much More Income Tax is Paid in Quebec Then in Other Provinces

By Income Levels

Income Level
British Columbia
Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
- $63
Newfoundland & Labrador
- $117

The table is based on the income tax owed by a single person aged less than 65.

Source: Claude Picher, "Portrait de l'enfer fiscal québécois", dans La Presse, March 13, 1999, p. F1.

Note on the table given above:

  1. At incomes below $25,000 and for wage earners that are at the head of a family (with dependants), the figures would be quite advantageous to Quebec. Indeed, close to 40% of Quebecers pay no income tax at all as the system is very generous for people on low income and for families.
  2. Taxes cannot be discussed in a vacuum. It is reasonable to ask the following question: What services do I get for my money? Not all provinces deliver the same services. The more services are offered by a province, the more taxes are likely to be high.


© 2006 Claude Bélanger, Marianopolis College